Block Walls & Pile Foundations

We specialize in block walls and pile foundations. Below are some of the reasons we choose to use these methods when it comes to residential construction.

Block Walls


Concrete block walls are very commonly used for load bearing walls. These walls are made up of individual concrete blocks reinforced with rebar, and have many benefits and uses in all residential building projects.


  • Designed to prevent corrosion in the structure of the wall itself
  • Concrete blocks reinforced with steel are more durable than wood framed homes
  • Durability provides protection and durability against earthquakes
  • Increased energy efficiency: great insulators that reduce cooling and heating loss.

Pile Foundations


A pile is a long cylinder of concrete that is pushed into the ground for support. It is used when there is weaker soil at the surface, or when a building’s structure is heavier than normal, such as a high rise. Pile foundations can take higher loads than spread footings.

There are two main types of pile foundations: end bearing piles and friction piles. End bearing piles are columns that run the entire length of the weak soil. The bottom end of the support rests on a layer of strong soil or rock at the bottom of the weaker soil. This allows the weaker layer to be bypassed and the load uses the strong layer for stability. Friction piles use their cylindrical shape to transfer the load across the soil. The weight is distributed across the entire surface of the pile, and the weight is supported by friction.


How does it work?

Our team drills a hole in the ground with some steel tied together, placed in the hole, and concreted in. We want your concrete pads to last for decades, and we use the best methods to ensure that they do

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